Plans for the Ulster Memorial Tower


Plans for the Ulster Memorial Tower were drawn up by the London architects Bowden and Abbott and based on the original Helen’s Tower with a few minor differences, notably the raised entrance which required a number of steps for access and a difference of 10 feet in height, with the Ulster Tower being taller.

It was decided that the chosen site on the former battlefield, that the memorial would sit on, had a number of advantages:

  1. It is on the old German Front Line, and marks almost the exact spot, where the Division carried out its first attack on the 1st July 1916.
  2. It represents almost the centre of the Ulster’s Divisional Front.
  3. It can be seen for a considerable distance up and down the valley, either from the railway or from the road.

So, the construction of the Ulster Tower was the next step.

Plans of the Ulster Tower from the Somme Museum Collection.